Our Mission
The mission of Spirit of Life Adventist Fellowship is to achieve
its purpose under the leadership, guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit. Our
fellowship has been called to minister to the whole person in the
following ways:
By providing a family ministry to inspire, develop and encourage godly
husbands, godly wives, godly singles, and godly youths
By providing a place for Biblical and
Leadership Training
By providing a place for Emotional, Physical,
and Spiritual Healing
By providing the opportunity to achieve
Financial Freedom thru debt-free living and home and business
Vision Reach
- We will reach people in our community who are not a part of any church or have
stayed away from church. We will provide various community events like
carnivals, concerts and special programs to draw the public to our fellowship.
Retain and Revive - We will have a system to keep track of our visitors
and members as they attend our events and services. We will organize an ongoing
ministry/system to ensure everyone attending Spirit of Life will feel
appreciated and cared for. We will retain those that attend by giving them
numerous phone calls, fellowship activities, support and counsel thru their
trials, and progressive bible study. Everyone will be part of a team; every team
will be part of a total process. We will also provide advanced spiritual
training and encourage healing of emotional brokenness.
Respond - We will complete mandated projects and
assignments that are strategically important to building and strengthening the
kingdom of God. Our mandates are directives from God that we are to accomplish
as a fellowship. These mandates come as a result of our Pastor spending time in
prayer, fasting, and seeking the mind of God for this ministry. God pours His
mandates and directives into our Pastor. Our Pastor then pours them into SOL's
ministries. These mandates lead us to accomplish those things that are
strategically important to the kingdom. While our fellowship may be involved in
a number of areas of ministry, our mandates are our first priority. They form
the emphasis of our focus at Spirit of Life.
What are the mandates for
Spirit of Life?
Complete the renovation of our current site
Establish a Strategic Planning process
Strengthen the married couples within our ministry
evangelism from the parking lot of our current site -
Build and establish a senior citizen complex
Services are
held at:
Spirit of Life
423 N. La Brea Ave.
Inglewood, CA. 90302
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